Monday, 4 February 2008

Five steps to give your mum the perfect Mother’s Day!

MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY 2ND MARCH 2008!! You have been warned!

Mother’s Day only comes round once a year, so to help you make sure it’s a special day to show your mum just how much you care, here’s a simple 5 step programme to ensure you’re going to be in your mum’s good books!

Step 1: Don’t Forget It!

It’s sounds straightforward – but it really is the most important one! This year (2008), it’s Sunday the 2nd of March. So, make sure you buy your Mother’s Day Gifts, cards, flowers or whatever in good time, and make sure you pop round or give her a call early on during the day, so she knows sooner rather than later that you’ve remembered. Keeping her waiting for her Mother’s Day present until the evening without a call beforehand will simply mean she is left wondering if you’ve forgotten all day long. Put her out of her misery, and make sure she knows you’re on the ball!

Step 2: It’s the thought that counts!

When you’re choosing something to buy for your mum, it’s best to think of a Mother’s Day gift idea that is really going to impress. And that usually doesn’t mean the amount you’ve spent – it means the thought you’ve put into it. So, spend a bit of time thinking about what she’d like – and make sure you don’t end up with a tired old box of chocolates and last minute flowers from the petrol station – because she’ll know!

Step 3: The gift of time

Every mum wants to have a little more time dedicated to her. So why not do just that – whether you’re planning to take her out for lunch or dinner, or out shopping, or even on a special Mother’s Day trip somewhere she loves – wherever she’s going to be going – it’s your company that will ensure it’s a special day. Make sure you allocate adequate time for whatever it is you’re planning to do with your mum – if you’re looking at your watch or having to dash off somewhere, you might as well not have bothered. Focus on letting her know that the time you have together on Mother’s Day is special – and solely dedicated to her!

Step 4: Like water off a duck’s back…

Let’s face facts – every mum has that tendency to know the wrong buttons to hit with their children. Whether she makes snide remarks about your partner – or lack of one, or your child care skills – or lack of them, or your weight, dress sense, car, house…the list can go on and on – however irritating this usually is, and however often these comments end up disintegrating into an argument – on Mother’s Day – let them go. Yep, just like water off a duck’s back – just let her get away with it one day a year!

Step 5: The Rest of the Year

The rest of the year – there’s always an excuse not to pop round, not to call, not to send an email or write – so this year, make a Mother’s Day resolution instead of a New Year’s one – one that’s easy enough to stick to – just get in touch with your mum whenever you think of her. Whether that’s once a day or once every other month – it’s bound to be a little more often than you currently get in touch – and bound to be very very much appreciated by your mum. Remember – you were her little baby once!

For help with telling your mum you love her in style, check out our gorgeous Mother’s Day Gifts to suit every budget.

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